Hungary Cracks Down on NGOs

by Admin on June 14, 2017

Egypt passed a similar law last month

Viktor Orban

Hungarian lawmakers approved a law that clamps down on the presence of foreign NGOs in the country. The law states that receiving funds from abroad can “threaten the country’s political and economic interests and interfere with the functioning of its institutions”.

The law is in keeping with PM Viktor Orban’s promise to clamp down on external influence in Hungary and transform the country into what he has termed an “illiberal democracy”.

Financial Times reports, “The law creates obligations for civil society groups which receive more than 7.2m Ft ($26,000) in donations from abroad. It requires them to register as “foreign funded organisations” with authorities and to declare this special status on all publications and on their website.”

Critics of the law have called it an attempt to suppress dissent from opponents and a way to control the political scene.

Egypt passed a similar law last month regulating all foreign NGOs and limiting their fields to only social and developmental.

Read more here

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Image by European People’s Party  Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Tyler T June 14, 2017 at 16:26

How can I register an NGO in Thailand?

Gino Megan June 14, 2017 at 16:36

@Tyler Usually you’d need to hire a lawyer that specializes in registration of NGOs in Thailand

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