How Law Firms are Combating High Stress Levels

by Admin on September 11, 2017

According to the Straits Times, law firms are trying to reduce stress levels for workers and improve their work-life balance.

Bosses say that they understand how young lawyers can feel “overworked and under-appreciated” and want to help them feel more valued. That way, they’ll be more likely to stay in the profession for longer.

Thailand employment and labor law regulates working conditions and occupational health and safety. Attorneys at Chaninat & Leeds are experts in the field.

New programs are being implemented, such as confidential help lines and partnerships with healthcare consultants and psychologists to provide free consultations. One firm uses a ‘buddy system’ to allow junior lawyers to consult their seniors about their workload concerns. Others are focusing on improving morale by creating sports and social activities for their employees.

Read the full story here

Image: Xian Rendujia

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