Gun Control in the News: NY Local Opposition to State Law; Women Gunowners on the Rise

by Admin on February 22, 2013

New York Local and County Governments Oppose State’s Gun Laws 

New York local governments are taking a stand against the state’s recently passed strict gun legislation. More than two dozen local and county governments have introduced laws in opposition to the state’s gun control laws, and range from “calling the law unconstitutional, to wanting a full repeal, to raising concerns about unfunded mandates that the law may produce,” according to USA Today.

The resolutions come mainly from rural upstate communities voicing concerns over the haste in which the state’s restrictions were passed. Governor Andrew Cuomo strongly supports the law, considered to be the toughest in the nation. It expands the assault weapons ban, requiring guns to be registered every five years and limiting the number of bullets in a magazine to seven.

Number of Women Buying Guns on the Rise

A growing number of women are buying and learning to use guns, reports The New York Times.

The amount of women participating in shooting as a sport has “surged, increasing by 51.5 percent for target shooting from 2001 to 2011, to just over 5 million women, and by 41.8 percent for hunting, according to the National Sporting Goods Association.”

Chaninat & Leeds’ US and Thai Attorneys have been representing clients in Thailand and abroad for over 40 years.

Gun sales to women have paralleled that trend. Gun manufacturers are now gearing their marketing and the products themselves to women, from pink guns to decorated holsters and accessories.

It’s difficult to pinpoint however, exactly how many gun owners in the U.S. are women. The federal government does not break down demographics on gun owners, and manufacturers do not release customer or sales information.


Related article: New Yorkers Protest New Gun Laws

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