Gun Control in the News: New Hampshire and Louisiana Gun Laws Go to Court

by Admin on March 26, 2013

New Hampshire anti-gun law defeated

New Hampshire gun enthusiasts rejoiced this week as a gun law prohibiting an unlicensed person from openly carrying a firearm in a public building was defeated Thursday. reports that “open carry” without a license has always been legal in the liberal state.

The law would have made it a felony to carry a firearm openly in a public building without a license, even though it’s only a misdemeanor for the same crime but if the weapon was concealed — a testament to the idiosyncrasies of gun control legislation.

In Louisiana, a similar turn of events

A New Orleans judge has ruled that a state law exempting convicted felons from owning firearms is unconstitutional. Criminal District Court Judge Darryl Derbigny dismissed the statute as unconstitutional because of a constitutional amendment already on the books. The amendment, passed by voters last year, designates gun ownership as a “fundamental right,” similar to one’s freedom of speech or religion.

The Supreme Court will review Judge Derbigny’s decision.

Chaninat and Leeds attorneys are Criminal Defense Lawyers specializing in Thai criminal cases involving foreigners.

New Thailand Gun Law translation

Did we mention we recently posted an English translation of Thailand’s Gun Law? Read the Act in its entirety here: Thailand Gun Law.


Related video: Gun Shops in Thailand: Exploring Bangkok’s Gun Culture

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Related blog posts: Gun Control in the News (March 21, 2013)

Gun Control in the News (March 14, 2013)

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