GMO Law Passed in US House: Labeling Not Mandatory

by Admin on July 24, 2015

The U.S. House of Representatives have passed a highly debated piece of legislation on Thursday, blocking compulsory labeling of foods made with genetically engineered crops, reports The Hill.

This news comes as victory for agriculture conglomerates and a heavy blow to health, environmental and organic food groups.

Image Credit: David Goehring (Flickr) Image Credit: David Goehring (Flickr)

Representative Mike Pompeo, who authored the bill, called mandatory labeling laws unnecessarily costly given that GMOs have been deemed safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

He says:

“Precisely zero pieces of credible evidence have been presented that foods produced with biotechnology pose any risk to our health and safety, […] We should not raise prices on consumers based on the wishes of a handful of activists.”

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The opposition argue that GMO products have not been 100% proven safe, and the legislation will prevent consumers from knowing what they are eating.

Consumer groups, backed by Democrats including Representatives Peter DeFazio and Rosa DeLauro, are calling the bill the ‘Denying Americans the Right to Know Act.’

DeLauro says:

“American families deserve to know what they are eating and feeding to their children […] The FDA already requires clear labeling of over 3,000 ingredients, additives and food processes. GMOs should be no different.”

For the full story, see here.

Related story: Also in the news this week, Thai GMO Bill Recalled Due to Safety Concerns.

Check out this past Thai Law Forum video where we interview Claire Robinson, editor of GMWatch.

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