Germany’s New Prostitution Law Provokes Outrage Amongst Sex Workers

by Admin on July 25, 2017

As Deutsche Welle states, Germany has introduced a new law that went into effect on July 1st.Under the new regulation, sex workers and brothels will have increased difficulty making money. They will now be subjected to closer observations and new rules i.e. the workers have to register with local authorities and attempt to secure a medical consultation from a public health service.

Further prohibitions include flat rate brothels, gang bang parties, and sex without a condom. As well as those rules, clients who engage in acts with sex workers who have been forced into prostitution will be punished.

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Some of those who are against the new law include organizations such as the Federal Association of Sex Services (BSD) and Hydra, a counseling and support service. Aid organization, Sowoldi and Sisters, who are also against the new law, do not consider the protective measures to be adequate.

Read more here.

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Image: Martin Destroyer | Berlin | Flickr

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