Germany: Xenophobic Facebook Trolls Could Soon Face Criminal Prosecution

by Admin on October 8, 2015

People posting offensive comments online could soon be facing criminal prosecution in Germany, reports Breitbart.

The German government has recruited a former Stasi agent-led organization to “patrol Facebook in a bid to stamp out “xenophobic” comments.”

Anyone found posting material the government deems unsuitable may face criminal charges.

Germany looks set to embrace one million new immigrants this year, a feat which is the topic of much controversy. Justice Minister Heiko Maas is adamant that Germans must embrace their new country-people, and plans a crackdown on any citizens who criticize their new multi-cultural homeland.

The organization Maas hopes can help in his mission is called ‘Network Against Nazis,’ which works in partnership with Amaedu Antonio Foundation which is run by Anetta Kahane, who previously worked for the Stasi.

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Maas explains that he is pro free speech, but that “The Internet, however, is not a legal vacuum in which racist incitement and criminal utterances can be spread in an uncontrolled manner. In the case of internet users who propagate xenophobia and offensive racism, we must not mistakenly apply tolerance.”

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel is backing Maas, and last week told reporters: “When people practice sedition under their own name on social networking sites, not only must the state act, but Facebook should also take action against the comments.”

This of course raises questions regarding freedom of speech, an issue that is particularly prevalent in China currently. Just this week, ThaiLawForum reported on the scandal regarding practitioners of the Falun Gong faith, who are being murdered in order to harvest their organs.

Such a horrific breach of human rights at the hand of the authorities brings to mind Thomas Jefferson when he said: “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”

See more here.

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