German Official Wants Transparency Law for Islam

by Admin on March 31, 2017

Finance Minister has called for the introduction of an “Islam law”

Cologne Central Mosque in Germany by Uwe Aranas

Jens Spahn, member of Chancellor Merkel’s ruling Christian Democrats (CDU) party and Germany’s Deputy Finance Minister has asked the government to introduce an “Islam law” reports RT.

The aim of the law is to achieve transparency in Muslim affairs by establishing an official mosque registry and by pushing imams to teach in German.

Spahn argued that currently there is no central representative for Muslims in the country and the Islamic associations that are working represent a very severe fraction of the religious community.

“They speak only for a minority of Muslims. They are the wrong partners,” said Spahn.

In particular, Sphan has asked for language tests for the Islamic clerics, adding that it is important for imams to deliver teachings in German to help diminish prejudice against Muslims. He said that sermons taught in German would help officials know “what happens in mosques”.

Read more here

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