Georgia Senate Approves Expansion of Marijuana Law

by Admin on March 31, 2017

Law will now extend to 6 more medical conditions

Image: Cannabis Oil by Andres Rodriguez

The Georgia Senate has voted to expand the state’s limited medical marijuana law to include 6 more medical conditions raising the number of conditions to which medical marijuana will be available from the current 9 to 15.

The state Senate passed the expansion by a 45-6 vote and the bill now only requires the signature of Governor Nathan Deal to become law.

Georgia’s medical marijuana law was enacted in 2015 and people suffering from only nine medical conditions are allowed to use medical marijuana in the form of cannabis oil.

Users must be registered with state health officials and prove to be under a physician’s care for the conditions allowed in Georgia’s medical marijuana law.

Soon patients suffering from severe autism, Alzheimer’s disease, AIDS and Tourette’s syndrome will be able to enjoy the benefits of medical marijuana.

Read more here

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