Gay Couple Petition For Divorce In State That Doesn’t Recognize Their Marriage

by Admin on November 13, 2013


We knew it was not going to be long before this issue arose, the only questions were when and what state, and now we have those answers.  has reported that two same sex couples who were married in Massachusetts but now live in Texas want to divorce, but Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is fighting it, arguing same-sex couples in Texas can’t divorce because the state doesn’t recognize their marriages.

The argument boils down to whether a state can grant a divorce when the marriage is not recognized, and indeed whether a state can actually contest a divorce in light of the fact that it is only the two parties involved who can petition.

Thailand is reportedly going to be the first Asian country to recognize same sex marriage under Thailand law, with Vietnam supposedly not too far behind.

Read the full article here – judgement is expected to be received in the Spring.

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