Gay Couple on Trial for Having Sex in Indonesia

by Admin on May 16, 2017

They face getting caned up to 80 times

Screengrab from Independent 

A gay couple in Indonesia is facing trial after vigilantes filmed them having sexual relations and circulated it online.

The incident took place in Aceh, Indonesia which is garnering worldwide attention for its inflexible use of sharia law and its anti-LGBT rules.

According to a report by Independent, the two men, aged 20 and 23 have confessed to being in a gay relationship in a court hearing on Wednesday and face prosecution under the newly implemented laws.

The men were arrested shortly after the distressing video was released and the courts are using the video as evidence of their alleged “crime”.

Human rights activists as well the LGBT community have heavily criticized Indonesia for what they say constitutes “torture” under international law.

“These men had their privacy invaded in a frightening and humiliating manner and now face public torture for the ‘crime’ of their alleged sexual orientation,” said Human Rights Watch deputy Asia division director, Phelim Kine.

Read more here

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