Friday Video Roundup: Three videos to watch now

by Admin on November 18, 2011

1) Feminism, violence, and state-sponsored indoctrination in Sweden

Even if you haven’t read “The SCUM Manifesto”, written by separatist feminist Valerie Solanas (better known for shooting Andy Warhol in 1968), this video made by a Swedish feminist group called “SCUM gbg” is rather…arresting. Apparently, a parody of a bunch of women shooting middle-aged male sunbather, holding an impromptu dance party, licking the blood off of his corpse, and giggling like a bunch of five-year olds on helium is accepted in Sweden as meaningful feminism! We thought feminism entailed aiding women worldwide in the struggle towards equal reproductive, social, and political rights, but now we’ve seen the error of our misguided ways. What’s disturbing about the trend is that it appears to be far more mainstream in Sweden than a couple of youtube videos would indicate. A play based on Solanas’s  “SCUM Manifesto” (which advocates the eradication of men and blames the ills of modern society entirely at the feet of the male gender, among other things) is now being shown to high school students under the age of 18, and is reportedly being paid for by Swedish taxpayer funds. Allegedly, girls and boys are separated during the play; girls are seated in luxurious seats and fed fruit and candy, while boys are seated in uncomfortable chairs without refreshment. The directors of the performance claim that they are merely attempting to foster discussion, but if the audience is under 18 and if the message of the play is being supported by Swedish government funds, this performance is a form of  state-funded indoctrination.

  2) Captain Ray Lewis Joins OWS Protest

On serious note, this video interview with Philidelphia police Captain Ray Lewis has inspired us in a much more positive way. We’re a long ways away from the Occupy Wall Street protests, but we offer our support for the men and women willing to stand up for their beliefs.


3)Central bank gold purchases skyrocket

 The worldwide debt crisis has prompted central banks to diversify their assets, and subsequently gold purchases are seven times higher than they were last year. There are reports that the main buyers are government central banks. Gold is traditionally a very stable investment, and extremely popular in Thailand. Thailand’s gold industry is very specialized and differs from Western markets in a number of important ways.

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