Fox Approves New ‘Divorce Hotel’ Reality TV Show

by Admin on October 11, 2012

Fox is offering couples wanting a divorce that chance to do so in one week- on live television.

A pilot for the reality TV show ‘Divorce Hotel’ has been approved and will feature two childless couples planning to divorce.

The show will take the couples plus their legal teams to a luxury hotel for a weekend and by Sunday night the idea is that the pair will be legally separated.

The show was inspired by a deal between Arthur Smith, CEO of A Smith and Co, and Jim Halfens, the Dutch entrepreneur behind a real-life Divorce Hotel service in the Netherlands. According to the shows producers this will not be like normal reality TV shows. Fighting couples, one house, live cameras; sounds pretty reality-typical to me.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Gale October 15, 2012 at 09:37

Another reality show with people trying to make money. It’s really sad when you have to put a divorcing couple on tv to try and get viewers. I guess if you want to burn a few brain cells this would do it.

Viv October 15, 2012 at 10:47

More bad TV. Will probably watch it though along with the rest of the reality shows. Do like that this website mixes up the stories a bit and there are some wildcard things discussed such as this.

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