Former Malaysian Prime Minister Arrested on Corruption Charges

by Admin on July 10, 2018

Two months after losing re-election, former Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak was arrested last week on charges of large-scale corruption, according to Reuters.

Part of a political dynasty in Malaysia (his father was Malaysia’s second prime minister), Razak’s fall from grace came quick and fast following his surprising election defeat to 92-year-old Mahathir Mohamad.

Razak, who led Malaysia for nearly a decade, left his Twitter followers with a recorded message moments before being detained.

“Let investigations be carried out. I have not had a chance to defend myself,” Najib said.

Najib and his associates claim that the claims of corruption are a political ploy against him and his coalition in the Malaysian government.

It is said that Najib funneled $700 million worth of state money into his personal bank account from the 1Malaysia Development Berhad, a government-controlled development fund created to forge global partnerships. Najib claims the $700 million was gifted to him from a Saudi royal.

The scandal took Malaysia by storm and the fallout continues unabated, with more and more prominent politicians and businessmen being implicated in the investigation every day.

Read the full story here.

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