First Lawsuit against Saudi Arabia has Been Filed

by Admin on October 4, 2016

9/11 widow Stephanie Ross DeSimone is the first person to sue Saudi Arabia over alleged ties800px-tribute_in_light_memorial_on_september_11_2010Photo: WTC Tribute in Light by D L

On September 30th, a widow of a 9/11 victim filed a lawsuit against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over claims of its alleged involvement in the 9/11 attacks reports Zero Hedge.

Stephanie Ross DeSimone also filed the lawsuit on behalf of her daughter with whom she was two months pregnant when her husband, Navy Patrick Dunn was killed.

The suit alleged that the kingdom provided material support to terrorist group Al Qaeda and its leader Osama Bin Laden.

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DeSimone is suing the kingdom for wrongful death and intentional infliction of emotional distress, and is seeking unspecified compensatory and punitive damages.

15 of the 19 men who hijacked airplanes during the September attacks were Saudi nationals. However, an investigation carried out by the U.S reported in 2004 that no evidence was found implicating that Saudi Arabia was funding Al Qaeda.

Read the full story here

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