FedEx Charged with Drug Trafficking for Illegal Pharmacies

by Admin on August 1, 2014

FedEx has been charged with knowingly delivering pharmaceutical drugs from illegal internet pharmacies in an indictment released July 17 by a federal grand jury, reports Courthouse News Service.

According to the indictment, FedEx was warned by federal law enforcement officials in 2004 that the illegal pharmacies were using its delivery services to ship prescription drugs.

“This indictment highlights the importance of holding corporations that knowingly enable illegal activity responsible for their role in aiding criminal behavior,” said U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag according to Courthouse News.

The trial attorneys and defense lawyers at Chaninat and Leeds have decades of experience in Thailand Criminal Law.

The indictment only named FedEx entities as the defendants, including FedEx Corp., FedEx Express and FedEx Corporate Services. Some of the drugs listed as being shipped by FedEx include Ambien, Diazepam, Alprazolam (Xanax), and Clonazepam.

Based on reports from Courthouse News, FedEx could face fines of up to $820 million if convicted of all the charges in the 15-count indictment.

Read the full story here.

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