FCC Votes to End Net Neutrality

by Admin on May 22, 2017

Ajit Pai said that the rules were hampering tech growth

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai

BBC reports The US Federal Communications Commission has voted to overturn all the rules that mandated open internet.

The FCC Commissioners voted two-to-one to end the order which had passed under Obama’s term in 2015.

Despite the concerns raised by citizens and tech firms, FCC’s chairman Ajit Pai said that net neutrality harmed jobs and discouraged investment.

In defense of its decision, the FCC said that prior to the enactment of net neutrality in 2015, they were able to uphold “flourishing free and open internet for almost 20 years” and that the new changes will “substantially benefit consumers and the marketplace”.

This is the first step in dismantling net neutrality. The FCC will allow for public comment on the subject and many have urged the public to voice their disapproval with the change. The vox populi is set to end in August.

Read more here

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