Every Scottish Child to be Given State Guardian

by Admin on May 29, 2013

Lawmakers in Scotland are proposing to include into the Children and Young People Bill a scheme so that every new born child in Scotland will be allocated a “state minder” which would allow the government to spy on families using prevention of child abuse as a means of justifying the draconian idea.

The Scotsman reports the scheme has been incorporated into the   but shares valid concerns about on how far the scheme could extend and who will decide what consitutes “child abuse” in the future from the contents of a lunchbox to asking a children firmly to obey instructions.

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The proposal is further being justified in Scotland as it emerges at a time when speculation of child abuse is widespread in the UK following the Jimmy Saville/Operation Yewtree scandal which has led to arrests of many household UK names. Concerns have also been raised about protection of children in light of the recent high profile UK criminal cases following the deaths of the six Phillpott children and Tia Sharpe.

Read the full article here

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