Ecuador Approves Law Limiting Private Media

by Admin on June 17, 2013

Ecuador’s congress has passed a restrictive new media law. Media overseers will have powers to impose sanctions for smearing “people’s good name” and limiting private media to one third of radio and TV licenses.

A media watchdog will be able to impose fines and order media outlets to issue public apologies if it concludes that they defamed people, or that the information published could prompt a “violent” reaction from an audience reports Aljazeera.

Thailand Defamation Lawyer

Chaninat and Leeds specializes in defamation law in Thailand

However Ecuador may only be unique in the blatant obviousness of this gesture, western governments have been more discrete,  for Operation Mockingbird and as this article from the New York times shows.

Read the full story here

Related Articles: Thai Editor Gets 10 Years in Jail for Defamation

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