Divorce in the News: Free Weddings, Divorce Waiting Periods and More

by Admin on February 14, 2013

Looking to save $30 on your wedding? 

A Virginia divorce lawyer is offering free weddings on Valentine’s Day at his office. Instead of investing in and planning for the big day, if you head to Rob Hagy’s office in Charlottesville, he’ll hook you up with a marriage license for free.

A modest savings, for sure. But wait, there’s more: couples will get to enjoy the ambiance of getting married in the lawyer’s office:

“We will have the office decorated, as I call it appropriately, in a Valentine’s slash wedding theme,” said Hagy. “We will be giving out roses to the ladies who come and also sharing some chocolates with them as well.”

Could it get any more romantic?

Washington state might extend divorce period

Getting divorced in Washington? You might be stuck together longer than you think.

A new bill would extend the waiting period for granting a divorce from three months to one year. Senate Bill 5614 is being introduced in hopes of minimizing the number of divorces in the state, which it claims would ultimately benefit children.

The bill states that “divorce causes poverty, juvenile delinquency, and lower scholastic achievement among children of our state,” and even a modest reduction in divorces would be advantageous.

Readers contemplating divorce in Washington: we hope your partner is tolerable.


Likewise, in North Dakota…

North Dakota representatives are hoping to pass a similar legislation, though they’re a bit more lenient in the Great Plains:  the bill would require a six-month waiting period, rather than Washington’s proposed one-year.

In addition, North Dakota is requiring couples attend counseling sessions before being granted a divorce. Similar to Washington, North Dakota senators are saying the bill is meant to address the impact divorce has on children.

Bill Neumann, executive director of the State Bar Association of North Dakota, said making couples wait six months for a divorce was “like requiring people to buckle their safety belts after the accident.”

And then forcing them to sit next to each other for the remainder of the drive, and maybe encourage them to play a game of cards as well? Doesn’t sound like a bad idea.


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