Dead Tiger Cubs Found in Freezer at Thai Temple

by Admin on June 2, 2016


The carcasses of 40 dead tiger cubs, six hornbills and a lion, along with numerous animal organs have been found at Wat Pa Luang Ta Maha Bua Tiger Temple.


The director-general for Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) has stated that ‘the department’s legal experts would meet police and press charges against the temple for illegal possession of wild animals and animal carcasses.’

40 dead tiger cubs, six hornbills and a lion, along with numerous animal organs have been uncovered inside a freezer at Wat Pa Luang Ta Maha Bua Tiger Temple

The director of the Wildlife Conservation Office said “At the very least we will charge them with illegal possession of the carcass of the bear-cat we found, which is not on temple’s wild animal list.”

Criminal defense attorneys in Thailand Chaninat and Leeds have decades of experience successfully dealing with high profile criminal cases

The director-general stated that ‘every part of a tiger can be sold’, a tiger cub can be worth up to several hundred thousand baht and an adult tiger can be sold for as high as one million baht.
Read the full story here

Related articles and posts:
Tigers Cubs in Thailand Saved From Exotic Meat Trade

Flickr photo credit:

Flickr audrey_sel


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