Dad Wears Nazi Uniform For Child Custody Case

by Admin on June 21, 2013

A father appeared in a US court  dressed in full fascist regalia whilst seeking to secure visitation rights to his youngest son reports Sky News.

The children all have Nazi influenced names: Adolf Hitler Campbell, 7, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, 6, Honzlynn Jeannie Campbell, 5, and 18-month-old Heinrich Hons Campbell.

Mr Campbell, who has a large swastika tattoo on his neck, wants the right to see Heinrich Hons, who was taken into care by social services soon after his birth in November 2011.

Thailand Child Custody Law

Chaninat and Leeds specializes in child custody law in Thailand

Heinrich’s elder siblings have been in care since 2009.

We would respectfully suggest this is not the way to go about gaining child custody or visitation rights!

Read the full story here

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