CREST: Declassified Materials Database

by Admin on May 27, 2013

An article published today by reveals the CIA has an electronic search engine that enables individuals to trawl through about 11 million declassified agency documents. The engine is called CREST: CIA Records Search Tool.

However, as positive as this may initially read, such a large amount of documents in fact only represents a portion of the CIA’s declassified materials, and an actual visit the National Archives at College Park, Maryland is required for unlimited access to the search engine.

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Historians and researchers have asked the CIA to grant them their own replica of the CREST database under the Freedom of Information Act, to enable them to have a greater insight into U.S. history.

The request has been denied.  The irony of  a classified database of declassified documents is too hard to miss.

Read the full article here

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Daniel Lindsley May 3, 2015 at 21:51

Do you perchance have a copy of the declassified report concerning Agent Orange sites in Thailand?
Thank you

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