Courts Rule in Favor of Transgender Woman in Georgia Case

by Admin on December 9, 2011

On December 6th, a Georgia federal appeals court ruled to uphold a lower court ruling that the firing of a transgender legislative editor constituted sex-based discrimination and was therefore illegal.

Transgender woman Vandy Beth Glenn was fired from her job at the Georgia General Assembly in 2007 while still a man, when she informed her employer that she intended to become a woman. Courts ruled that Glenn’s firing had been the result of her not fitting into traditional “female” stereotypes, which constituted illegal sexual discrimination under the precedent set by the court ruling in “Price Waterhouse vs Hopkins, where a court ruled that a woman had been a victim of sexual discrimination when she was refused a promotion for “not being feminine enough”.

As we’ve emphasized before, transgender Thais face their share of social and cultural oppression, despite Thailand’s reputation for transgender tolerance. In the video linke here Thai transgender woman Prempreeda Pramoj Na Ayutthaya discusses her life as an activist for transgender rights in Thailand.


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