German Johns Must Choose: Condoms or Jail

by Admin on September 28, 2016

Germany’s new prostitution law makes unprotected sex with prostitutes illegal800px-rotlichviertel_frankfurt_main

Independent reports German politicians have approved a law that makes it illegal for clients to have sex with a prostitute without a condom.  Under this law, brothels will not be allowed to advertise unprotected sex or operate without a license. This is to ensure that brothels comply with all rules and meet with legal standards.

In the move to tighten regulation of prostitution, prostitutes will also have to register with local authorities and obtain a certificate that must be renewed every two years as well as attend a health advice session once a year. Prostitutes under the age of 21 will be eligible for a certificate with one year validity only with health advice sessions twice a year.

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Any violation of the law by pimps, brothels or clients will incur fines of up to €1,000 ($1100) and €50,000 ($55,000).

The law, which was approved by the Bundesrat, Germany’s upper house of Parliament, will be sent to President Joachim Gauck for his signature, before coming into effect on 1 July 2017.

Prostitution in Germany has been legal since 2002 with prostitutes allowed to work as regular contracted employees. This led to increasing number of unregulated brothels, prompting the need for tighter regulations.

Read more here

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Image Credit: Arne Hückelheim on Wikimedia Commons



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