Chinese Triad Initiation Raided by Police

by Admin on December 1, 2017

Hong Kong police raided a traditional triad initiation in the first ceremony seen by law enforcement in more than a decade, South China Morning Post reports.

Officers were called to a wooden hut, which had been built illegally under a bridge, after receiving a tip off about an illegal assembly taking place there.

According to Li Kwai-wah, superintended of Hong Kong’s Organized Crime and Triad Bureau, the recruitment ceremony was in progress when the officers arrived, with the use of poems and other traditional rites that have “rarely been seen in recent years”. “Some were kneeling down with others hosting the ceremony, which involved question-and-answer sessions and some movements”, he said.

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Three local men, aged 43, 57 and 62, as well as a 45-year-old asylum seeker, all unnamed, were arrested in the raid.

Police belive the rituals may have been used to attract asylum seekers to join the triad.

Read the full story here

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Image: Barnyz

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