Chinese Court Awards Woman $5,000 in Virginity Lawsuit

by Admin on September 22, 2014

A Chinese woman sued a man she was dating for $81,000 in psychological damages and $250 in medical costs for violating her rights to virginity and health, reports Raw Story.

The woman filed the lawsuit because the man dated her and wooed her into having sex with him without ever disclosing that he was already married to another woman, according to Raw Story.

Though it found the original demand excessive, Raw Story reports that a Chinese court did award the woman $5,000 on the grounds that virginity is a “moral right” that should be protected under law.

Via his lawyer, the man reportedly denied ever having sex with the plaintiff and has appealed the ruling.

Although, the idea of virginity as a property right may make news as a novelty in Western nations, the principle is still common and even enacted into law in many nations with historically traditional cultures.

For example, in Thailand the traditions of “Tong Mun” and “Sin Sod” as various forms of dowry are still practiced today. Though symbolic in nature and not legally required by Thai Marriage Laws to register a marriage in Thailand, these dowries are enforceable under Thai Family Law when they are formally agreed upon between a groom-to-be, the bride, and the bride’s family.

For all the story details, read, “Woman’s virginity worth $5,000, Chinese court rules.”

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