Child Visitation Centers for Divorcees in Saudi Arabia

by Admin on March 27, 2017

Current rules require meetings in police stations

Image by Mohammed Tawsif Salam under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Justice announced that it will be setting up child visitation centers to offer divorced parents a safer and healthier space to visit their children.

Under the current child custody law, parents are only allowed to meet their children in police stations, which, according to Mohammed Al-Radi, general manager and consultant at a non-profit Al-Mawaddah Society for Family Development said could have a lifelong negative impact on the children.

“We started receiving cases from law firms, police stations and sometimes we get cases from people who voluntarily approach us seeking help without going to courts,” Al-Radi told Arab News. “They see us as a neutral ground.”

The non-profit organization is working in collaboration with the Ministry to implement the initiative in 60 centers around the country.

“We do not only aim to execute this initiative,” said Al-Radi. Our goal is to provide the right environment for children after their parents get divorced.”

Read more at Zawya

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