California’s New Privacy Bill Leads the Way in Consumer Protections

by Admin on July 4, 2018

California passed on new privacy bill recently that would give residents of the state much more control over the information that online businesses collect on them, as well as impose sanctions on companies that fail to comply.

The law is the first of its kind in the States and comes in the wake of the EU passing a similar consumer privacy protection act.

The new legislation sets the benchmark for online privacy, demanding that businesses clearly tell Californians what information they are collecting from them and who the information is being sold, while also allowing them to request that the collected data be deleted or not sold to third-parties.

Initially, a much stricter version of the bill was pushed by the group Californians for Consumer Privacy and garnered over 600,000 petitioners to go to the ballot. But the group ended up cutting a deal with the state assembly for a more watered down version.

Despite the less strong wording and requirements in the state’s bill, Silicon Valley and other tech giants opposed it effortlessly.

Read the full story here.

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