California to Ban Sex between Lawyers and Clients

by Admin on November 29, 2016

Lawyers are not happy with the proposed law

university_of_virginia_school_of_law_libraryPhoto by Mmw3v

Newser reports that lawyers in California are upset by a proposed new law that would ban any sexual relations between lawyers and their clients.

According to the report, a state bar commission has proposed California join 17 other states that have already banned sex between lawyers and clients with the exception of pre-existing relationships.

Anyone found violating the law could have their legal license revoked.  Under the existing law, sex is prohibited if the lawyer-client sexual relations cause the lawyer to “perform legal services incompetently” or if sex has been demanded “incident to or as a condition of any professional representation.”

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Proponents of the bill claim that it is ethically wrong for lawyers to sleep with their clients because clients are vulnerable in situations that would require a lawyer. The proposed law has drawn the ire of some lawyers that say it should not discipline lawyers who want to have sexual relations with a consenting adult.

Read more here

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