Cabinet Approves Free Treatment for Emergency Patients

by Admin on March 29, 2017

All Thai hospitals are required to treat emergency patients free of charge for first 72 hours

Photo by Love Krittaya

The Thai Cabinet has given the seal of approval to a regulation that requires all hospitals, state or private, to treat emergency patients for free for the first 72 hours reports Bangkok Post.

Public Health Minister Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn announced on Tuesday that the main aim of the rule is to remove medical costs as an issue during emergencies.

According to Bangkok Post, the new regulation will require private hospitals to “accept patients for emergency treatment without charging them or their relatives for the first 72 hours, before referring them to hospitals where they have the right to medical care.”

The Minister said that all details will be announced on the 31st and will come into effect before the Songkran Festival.

Read more here

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Millie Olivia March 29, 2017 at 11:20

A friend of mine got hit by a motor bike that sped off. She is fine but her injuries had to be taken care of in the hospital. We have the bike’s number. We have reported it to the police but should we also contact a personal injury lawyer in Thailand and sue?

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