Buy Weed at Local 7/11? New Jersey’s Proposed Law

by Admin on September 28, 2016

Bold new law in New Jersey proposes to treat marijuana like tobacco and to expunge all marijuana related crimes800px-downtown_bridgeton_nj

In a bold move, New Jersey introduced a legislation that would allow convenience stores such as 7/11 to sell marijuana alongside cigarettes.  According to ActivistPost, the law would also expunge all records of previous offenses related to possession and use of the substance.

The proposed law, Sponsored by Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll, states  “This bill would legalize marijuana by removing all criminal liability associated with marijuana from the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice … as well as its regulation as a controlled dangerous substance under the New Jersey Controlled Dangerous Substances Act.”

The bill, A4193, has come under huge criticism from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) who feel that it should not be moved from its current designation as a “dangerous substance of no medical value, akin to heroin or cocaine.”

Should the law pass, New Jersey will join Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington in having legal, recreational weed.

Other countries are also looking towards the legalization of weed. Thailand recently proposed to reduce penalties on drug offenses in the country such as those on weed, meth and hemp. Drug offenses in Thailand are especially common among tourists who come to the country partly for vacation and partly for its booming sex trade.

Read more here

Other related articles:

Thailand May Reduce Marijuana and Meth Penalties

Ohio’s Medical Marijuana Law Passed; Michigan’s Bill Approved

History of Cannabis Use and Anti-Marijuana Laws in Thailand

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Image Credit: Smallbones on Wikimedia Commons


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