Brexit’s Legal Challenges Begin

by Admin on October 14, 2016

PM Theresa May to go ahead with article 50 without parliamentary consentbrexit-1477302_960_720

Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May has announced that article 50 of the Lisbon treaty will be triggered by March 2017 without a parliamentary vote beforehand.

May’s decision is being challenged by those opposing the exit, over whether the government can use “royal prerogative to decide when, how and whether to make this decision,” reports Reuters.

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Lord Pannick, who represents the lead challenger in the claim, Gina Millersaid the government should not use an ancient power to strip away rights such as freedom of movement for people, trade and services that were granted by the 1972 act of parliament that sealed Britain’s entry into the bloc.

“Rights that have been created by parliament cannot be taken away by a minister,” Pannick told the court.

The case is being heard by three senior judges, Baron Thomas of Cwmgiedd, the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, Terence Etherton and Lord Justice Sales.

Read the full story here

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