Bombings in Bangkok on February 14th

by Admin on February 15, 2012

Bangkok residents spent a rather unsettling Valentines Day in the city this year, after a series of bomb blasts off of Sukumvit 71 injured several people, including one of the perpetrators, who allegedly blew off his own legs.

 At about 2:20 pm yesterday, an explosion partially destroyed a house located off of Sukumvit 71. Three suspects, allegedly of Iranian citizenship, left the house, and two of the individuals in question managed to leave the scene via taxi.

A third man is believed to have attempted to flag down a taxi, but was unable to secure a ride. It is believed that next, the man in question threw explosives, at the taxi, at a nearby police car, and at a school located on the street. One of the bombs allegedly bounced of a nearby tree and detonated on the suspect, blowing off both of his legs.

At least one more suspect was detained at Suvarnabumi Airport last night as he attempted to leave the country. Both the UK and the USA have reinstated travel alerts for Thailand, mere weeks after the US embassy in Bangkok withdrew a travel warning for Bangkok following the arrest of a Lebanese terrorist suspect in January.

This latest incident has, of course, incited a great deal of speculation regarding the motives of the bombers in question. A passport found at the bomb site allegedly indicates that the suspects in question are Iranian. However, other parties have speculated that the parties in question are possibly Lebanese. Israel has accused Iran of sponsoring the attacks in Bangkok as well as two more attacks in India and Georgia this week. Iran has denied responsibility for the attacks.

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