Myanmar in the News: BBC Covers Burma’s “Era of Free Speech,” Google Says “Be Careful”

by Admin on April 2, 2013

Just after we reviewed Activist Post writer Tony Cartalucci article, “Western Media Celebrates Faux Progress in Myanmar,” we see a perfect example proving this hypothesis: the BBC’s report on Burma’s new “Era of Free Speech.”

In his article, Cartalucci had criticized a Los Angeles Times piece that wrongfully described the headway Burma has made in the past year towards liberalization:

“The Times’ article is particularly deceitful on several fronts. First, such “progress” has not been underway for even a year, and considering the level of repression we have been told exists in Myanmar, nothing resembling a “free,” “open,” or “independent” nation could take shape in such short time even with the best intentions and most expedient reform policies in place. What the Times and its corporate-financier sponsors are really celebrating is the open doors their long ousted corporate-financier interests are now enjoying after decades of exclusion.”

And while BBC’s report does give nods to the ethnic violence that continues to occur in the “democratizing” country, their simplification of the situation based on the report’s headline says enough.

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Meanwhile, Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt said he’s worried about the future of internet in Burma. Schmidt visited the country last month to promote internet freedom. Google launched their search homepage in the country, and more services are to come.

In a post on Schmidt’s Google Plus page, Schmidt admits “he’s concerned that local, long-simmering religious conflicts will spill out onto the internet and could lead to a new era of repression in Burma, just as the country attempts to emerge from military rule that ended in 2011,” reports The Verge.

He highlighted the importance of keeping the internet free from government censorship, a topic he spoke on to university students last month.


Related texts: The Opening Up of Burma: Burma’s Foreign Investment Law

Related blog posts: Burma’s “Democracy” Increasingly Called into Question

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The End of Censorship In Burma? Not Just Yet.

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