Bangkok Victims of Radiation Poisoning Appeal Turned Down

by Admin on June 17, 2016


 Victims unsatisfied with ruling to be compensated by electric company for radiation poisoning.

The Supreme Court has supported a lower court ruling that ordered Kamol Sukosol Electric Co Ltd to pay 640,270 baht plus interest in compensation to the victims of radiation poisoning reports Bangkok Post

An end was brought to a case by the Civil Court, Bangkok on June 8 2016 which started in 2004 by 12 people who were severely affected by the leak of cobalt-60 radiation. The 12 victims sued Kamol Sukosol Company and wanted compensation of 100 million baht.

Kamol Sukosol was found guilty of negligence by The Civil Court in 2004 and ordered the company to pay out two million baht. After medical deductions were made the victims were only left with a little more than 640,000 baht

Chaninat and Leeds personal injury accident lawyers have decades of experience in supporting victims in personal injury cases

The court argued the 12 victims had previously received compensation of 5.2 million baht from the Office of Atomic Energy for Peace (0AEP). The victims appealed stating that the compensation was too low for the costs of the negligence and demanded 12.6 in compensation.

Unfortunately for the victims The Appeal Court ruled the compensation already set by the lower court was fair.

Read more here

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