Bangkok Governor Suggests Strict New Policy For Car Buyers

by Admin on October 1, 2015

Bangkok Governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra spoke up at a brainstorming session to say that a potential solution to tackle the high volumes of traffic in the capital could be to prevent people from buying cars unless they can prove they have a valid parking space.

Image Credit: Joan Campderrós-i-Canas (Flickr)
Image Credit: Joan Campderrós-i-Canas (Flickr)

As The Nation reports, he says the measures would be to discourage the use of private cars, and to encourage commuters to change their habits and make use of public transport.

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He also suggested:

“We may also have to collect tolls from vehicles heading into Bangkok’s central business districts.”

Roughly 17 million trips are made by commuters in Bangkok daily. There are roughly 8 million cars.

It is thought that by 2029, the number of cars will soar by an additional 2 million, and 22 million trips will be made.

See the full story here.

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