Australian Filmmaker Charged with Espionage in Cambodia

by Admin on June 13, 2017

The charge could affect Australian-Cambodia relations

Australian filmmaker James Ricketson was arrested in Phnom Penh over charges of collecting information that potentially pose a threat to Cambodia’s national security.

The charges include “receiving or collecting information, processes, objects, documents, computerised data or files with a view to supplying them to a foreign state or its agents, which are liable to prejudice the national defence” reports The Sydney Morning Herald.

Little information has been released since the arrest occurred. However a media outlet showed Mr. Ricketson flying a drone over a political rally in the state prior to the arrest.

According to the report, the charges could potentially affect relations between Cambodia and Australia “as Canberra clings to a controversial $55 million refugee deal.”

Read more here

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Akira Hirochi June 13, 2017 at 14:13

I wonder what would happen if a foreigner was charged with espionage in Thailand. Would he be given the chance to talk to his own criminal defense attorney in Thailand or would they supply him one and he gets charged 3 months later?

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