Attorneys Can Volunteer to Aid Victims of Hurricane Harvey

by Admin on September 5, 2017

In the wake of Hurricane Harvey and its catastrophic effects, disaster relief is much-needed in Houston. Attorneys are in important part of that. Lawyers have been acting as first responders, helping people deal with the legal problems that come with a natural disaster.

When it comes to rebuilding, people who have been affected need to think about insurance and property damage, amongst other legal issues.

Lawyers can do their part to help by volunteering their time to answer legal questions for victims through the ABA Free Legal Answers online portal.

They can also go a step further and provide pro-bono legal assistance. This even applies to those who aren’t licensed in Texas, as the Texas Supreme Court has issued an order allowing temporary practice. Those who volunteer will be covered by malpractice insurance from the American Bar Association. The temporary authorization to practice in Texas is valid until February 28, 2018 and applies only to pro bono work via the portal.

More information and details of how to register here.

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