Argentina Strengthens Immigration Law

by Admin on January 31, 2017

Changes include faster deportation of foreigners

Hobart_International_Airport_departure_zone.gkImage by Grendelkhan under  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

The US isn’t the only country that is working towards restricting entry into the country.  According to Economic Times, Argentina toughened its immigration laws making it easier to deport foreigners who have committed crimes or are currently under investigation.

Changes were made to the 2003 law due to increased foreign criminal activity in the country and includes restricting foreigners serving sentences or with criminal records from entering Argentina and fast tracking the expulsion of foreigners who commit crimes including drug dealing, arms trafficking or money laundering.

The changes which were made via presidential decree was compared to that of Trump’s immigration ban on refugees and those coming from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

“Just like Trump’s government, (Argentine President Mauricio) Macri is criminalizing immigration through executive orders that modify national laws and international commitments,” said Argentine activist Adolfo Perez Esquivel to Economic Times. Esquivel won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980 for his defense of human rights during Argentina’s military dictatorship.

“Avoiding lawmakers, they are committing a clear violation of human rights in the name of security, when security problems can and should be solved respecting our constitution and increasing our rights, not reducing them,” he said.

Read more here

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