Adopting for Same-Sex Couples

by Admin on June 15, 2012

Allowing same-sex couples to adopt has been a controversial topic that has made many lawmakers question what the constitutional rights of parent and children really are.

Recently, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a federal lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s law that prohibits same-sex couples from adopting. MSNBC reported that the lawsuit was filed on behalf of six same-sex couples and their children where the child was legally recognized with one parent and wanted to establish the same with the second. However, under state court ruling, the existing legal parent would have to give up their parental rights for an adoption to occur.

In Thailand same-sex marriage is not recognized as legal even as there is a growing group of what is considered “third sex” couples. According to Burirum Expats, in the past rights activists have called for the legalization of same-sex marriage in Thailand petitioning Democrat and Pheu Thai parties for a new law.

Although known as an accepting culture for gay people, same-sex couples are unable to register to be married for a Thailand marriage. The Thailand adoption process is currently supervised by social workers who work according to a certain list of criteria.




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Peter June 20, 2012 at 07:43

This is a very informative blog, so thank you for it!

I was informed that last May 2011 a same-sex marriage bill was to be drafted and presented to Thai Parliament. Since then I’ve heard nothing. I’m just wondering, what is the status of this? Was the bill submitted? Will it be debated?

Please give an update because many are quite curious and trying to follow the story.

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