Activists Say US Trying To Railroad Pacific Pact

by Admin on December 11, 2013


The US has been accused by activists  of attempting to rail road a new Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact reports The Nation.

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The TPP is deemed to be so controversial as it is being negotiated behind closed doors, with the actual text being kept secret, but if the deal is finalized it will enable corporations to take on new powers to sue governments if they introduce regulations which could affect their profits. It potentially could affect laws which protect the public such as access to cheap medicine or bans on logos on cigarette packets.

The US is accused of of setting up invitation only meetings to work on “difficult issues” in what many say is an attempt to railroad the pact though.

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wwabbit December 11, 2013 at 08:03

surely Thailand has enough issues of their own to deal with at the moment than to accuse the US of attempting to push through the TPP, that would be beneficial for the economy of the future.

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