900 Suspected Pedophiles Arrested Across Europe and Americas

by Admin on May 8, 2017

The arrests come after ‘darknet’ child porn kingpin receives 30 yr jail term

Image by Daniel Rehn

RT reports that almost 900 suspected pedophiles that are part of a global child porn ring dubbed the ‘darknet’ have been arrested across Europe and the Americas as a result of a two year investigation. The arrests come after website’s founder was handed a 30-year jail sentence.

350 arrests were made in the US and 368 arrests were made in Europe. A total of 870 arrests were made in connection with the case, according to Europol.

RT reports the EU Commissioner for the Security Union, Sir Julian King as saying “a hugely significant blow has been struck against one of the most heinous of crimes, arguably the worst of all, thanks to the excellent transnational cooperation of Europol with the FBI and US Department of Justice, as well as other law enforcement agencies around the world.”

On Monday, Steven W. Chase, 58, the founder of the website was sentenced to 30 years despite the controversy surrounding the case.

Read more here

Related articles:

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

ThailandMan May 8, 2017 at 17:39

So do pedos get criminal defense attorneys or do they just chuck em in jail like they should?

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