Thailand Law Journal 2009 Spring Issue 1 Volume 12

The purpose of this paper has been to articulate a framework through which to understand the imperative of product development public-private partnerships. However, I have left many questions to be addressed. First, it is unclear how organizational structure may interact with strategy to overcome public and private failures. Second, though I have discussed the cultural differences between public and private organizations, I have not attempted to evaluate cultural dynamics in existing PPPs. Perhaps most importantly, more work must be done to determine how to ex ante apportion the rights and responsibilities associated with drug development projects from early discovery to developing country distribution. Early PD-PPP literature has tended to originate from the ranks of high-profile partnerships like TDR, MMV, and IAVI. Involved parties must continue to discuss innovative approaches to these and other problems so that the effectiveness of current PPPs is maximized. As a society, we cannot afford to misuse the scarce funds available for the innovation of new drugs for neglected diseases.

List of Abbreviations


      Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


      Bristol Myers Squibb


      Biotechnology Industry Organization


      BIO Ventures for Global Health


      Central Drug Research Institute (India)


      Chief Executive Officer


      Cooperative Research & Development       Agreement


      Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative


      Act Federal Technology Transfer Act


      Gross Domestic Product


      Gross National Product


      Human Immunodeficiency Virus


      International AIDS Vaccine Initiative


      International Federation of Pharmaceutical       Manufacturers Association


      International Public Good


      Initiative on Public-Private Partnerships for       Health


      Massachusetts Institute of Technology


      Medicines for Malaria Venture


      Medecins sans Frontieres


      National Cancer Institute


      Non-Governmental Organization


      National Institute of Health


      Organisation for Economic Cooperation and       Development


      Product Development Public-Private       Partnership


      Public-Private Partnership


      Research & Development


      Special Programme for Research and       Training in Tropical Diseases


      World Health Organization


This article is published with the kind permission of Nathaniel Lipkus. The article originally appeared in Michigan State University Journal of Medicine & Law, Spring 2006 issue.


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