Hot! Nominee Land Purchase in Thailand: An Overview

Purchasing land in Thailand using Thai nominees is a fairly common loophole used by law firms and foreigners to skirt existing Thai laws.

But just because it’s is sometimes a successful means for foreigners to acquire land in the Kingdom, doesn’t mean that the practice of purchasing land or owning businesses using Thai nominees is legal.

There are actually two laws currently on the book in Thailand that prohibit the ownership of land by non-Thai citizens without going through the proper channels: the Foreign Business Act and Thailand Land Code.

Recently, DFDL Thailand Legal and Tax, a prominent Thai law firm, saw four of their offices raided across Thailand for facilitating the purchase of land by foreigners using Thai nominees as sponsors, highlighting the dangers of such deals. DFDL was fined 2 billion baht.

The move by Thai authorities was widely seen as another attempt at cracking down on firms who use Thai nominees to purchase land.

For more info on nominee land purchase in Thailand, watch the video below:

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