Hot! Child Sex Abuse Suspect Living and Teaching in Thailand

An Alabama man who faked his own death to escape multiple child sex abuse charges is thought to be living in Thailand with a fake identity, My Statesman reports.

Jackson Matthew Hall, 26, fled the US after facing charges of child sexual abuse and physical abuse in two different counties. Details of how he faked his death have not yet been released.

The possibility of him living in Thailand and working as a teacher in the country came to light when the family of Nittaya Polseepim reported her missing. She’d left to take a man named Tyler Smith to Rayong for a teaching job and hadn’t been heard from since. After posting pictures of the man on social media, they found that he was Mr. Hall under a fake identity.

Thailand missing persons investigators are still looking for Ms. Polseepim, as her family is yet to hear from her.

Read more here.

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Image: Angelo Rodriguez

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