Hot! Thai Supreme Court Dismisses Genetically Modified Papaya Case

PapayaThailand’s Supreme Court terminated a lawsuit from Greenpeace—an environmental NGO—filed against the Department of Agriculture (DOA) for alleged negligence while testing genetically modified papayas, reports Thai PBS.

In 2004, after the DOA tested GM papaya at a research site, nearby farms reportedly were contaminated with GM papaya seeds, prompting Greenpeace to file the lawsuit in 2006.

According to Thai PBS, a lower court ruled in 2008 that the DOA had taken “necessary legal steps to control the widespread usage of GMO plants,” and the Supreme Court upheld this ruling on Tuesday, October 21, 21014.

Story source:
Thai PBS – Supreme Court drops Greenpeace’s GM papaya case

If you liked this article, keep reading for more international news about GMO’s:
Thailand’s Food Exportation at Risk from Pesticides
“Monsanto Protection Act” Slips into Law
GMOs in Russia Must be Labeled or Face Fines

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