Hot! Indonesia Marriage Law Under Review

Wedding RingsThe Jakarta Post reports that one current student and four recent law school graduates are contesting the definition of a legitimate marriage as specified in Indonesia’s Marriage Law.

The five petitioners filed a judicial review with the Constitutional Court on Thursday, August 4 against a few specific articles of the Marriage Law as they pertain to religion and marriage. The first article requires religious teachings to be applied in a marriage ceremony, and the second article further specifies that those religious marriage rituals must be from the religion that the bride and groom follow, according to The Jakarta Post.

“The article gives nobody a choice as to whether to apply provisions of religion in their marriage or not,” said Damian Agata Yuvens, one of the petitioners.

According to The Jakarta Post, the Marriage Law neither expressly allows nor forbids people of different religions to get married, but does regulate that couples be married in religious ceremonies.

Justice Arief Hidayat told the petitioners that they should “provide an alternative solution in the judicial review, because if the court decided to revoke the article, all marriages in Indonesia would lack sacred grounds,” reports The Jakarta Post.

Read the full story here.

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