Hot! Former Khmer Rouge Leaders Convicted to Prison for Life

Judge's GavelNuon Chea, the Khmer Rouge’s Brother No. 2, and Khieu Samphan, former head of state, were found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to life in prison by United Nations backed war crimes tribunal, according to The Guardian.

The Khmer Rouge regime was led by Pol Pot and killed nearly 2 million people during its four-year reign in Cambodia.

The regime ended nearly 40 years ago, and Chea, 88 years old, and Samphan, 83 years old, are the first top-tier regime officials to be convicted in the trial which began in 2011. The charges against both include crimes against humanity, homicide, torture, genocide, and religious persecution.

The Guardian reported that both men denied the allegations against them and both of their lawyers said they would appeal the ruling.

Read the full story here.

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