Hot! Judge Halts NYC Sugary Drink Ban

031213_Soda Ban_williamhartz

Before New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s sugar ban could go into effect, a state Supreme Court judge ruled Bloomberg’s law invalid. The sugar ban would prohibit restaurants, food carts, delis, and all concession stands from serving sugary drinks in servings larger than 16 ounces. While patrons could order coffees or drinks larger than that, baristas would be barred from adding any additional sugar to the concoctions.

The ban was set to go into effect Tuesday, but Judge Milton Tingling halted the ban, declaring that Mayor Bloomberg was overreaching his authority, since he sidestepped City Council and went right to the city’s Board of Health with the sugar regulation.

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The Thai FDA requires importers and manufacturers in Thailand to obtain FDA approval prior to importing or manufacturing products. 

Mayor Bloomberg has surpassed City Council in efforts to pass legislation. He plans to appeal the judge’s ruling.

Read the full article here.



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Flickr photo courtesy of williamhartz

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